"Football under the microscope": a scientific view of sport - Infobae

2022-10-08 14:45:31 By : Ms. Bobby Qian

The academic and writer Raúl Rojas is launching his new book entitled "Football under the microscope", a text that is part of the Science for All collection of the Economic Culture Fund of Mexico.The author previously wrote “The Language of Mathematics”, for which he won, in 2018, the Ruy Pérez Tamayo International Prize for the Popularization of Science.The author, doctor and mathematician, has stood out in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics and has dedicated a large part of his life to teaching in important schools in Mexico, such as the IPN (National Polytechnic Institute) and the UNAM (Universidad National Autonomous of Mexico).In the precincts of these institutions he has stood out for his great fascination with the issues of scientific development;In addition, he has been a professor at some European and American universities.In this new publication he takes the sport of football, to inspect it under the scientific eye.The book "Football under the microscope" is a new vision of this sport, away from the training routines, the long days of legendary matches or the great and millionaire stars.Raúl Rojas presents in this book topics such as The space and time of soccer, Building a ball, The ball in the air, Poissonian soccer, Rankings: ELO, FIFA and market value, Game theory and Technology in soccer.In these chapters he reveals the relationship of this sport with subjects such as mathematics, biology and chemistry and the fundamental aspects with which this sport is built in a vision of its future.The author presents from the reason for establishing the measurements of the field of play, or the origin of this sport, through the construction of the systems that catalog teams and soccer players, to the scientific forecast of the winning contenders.In the chapter on the Geometry of space, he is in charge of writing the most important characteristics of the field of play, such as the measurements and distances thought by the British inventors of this sport;yards that are built from history, passed under a goal and a function.“This book arose from a series of articles I wrote in German for a science portal in Germany;So I thought that soccer is something that interests a lot of people, especially the Germans and maybe from soccer, students can be interested in scientific topics;For example, this whole issue of friction in the ball, the Magnus force, or explaining the flip of a soccer ball.It is something that, by motivating them through the game, they can learn something about physics, mathematics, biology and different disciplines, ”said Raúl Rojas during the virtual presentation of his book on the Ciencia Distancia channel on YouTube.In the pages that make up “Football under the microscope”, the author not only expresses himself from the technicalities, throughout it he stops to appreciate the most unnoticed moments about this sport;For example, it establishes from the field of biology, the types of grass that exist and the meticulous care they require, from irrigation to the use of more sophisticated systems such as LED light sources, which help the proliferation and growth of the green carpet. where the players leave all their performance to win a match or a world cup.For many fans, soccer is a passion, for Raúl Rojas in this book it goes further, his text is established from the link between sport and hard sciences;the author goes through the historical, technical data, while anecdotes from matches and world cups are coming out;The writer thus shows a broad spectrum that is explored from the most detailed engineering, physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics of stadiums, stands, balls and footwear, which work together to give life to the sport that was born in England, but found its place in Latin American countries, faithful to this sport practice.