Still photos without a precise context of alleged adverse events in vaccinated.Where are the studios?They report a tweet of 19 May 2022 by Silvana De Mari, which reports a narration already dealt with in the Open Fact-checking project -, here and here -, and despite everything still in vogue in Facebook shares.We are talking about the blood of the vaccinated against the new Coronavirus that would clot.The source is not reported, but the microscope images it shows are not new.A little help is given to us by De Mari herself, who on May 16 posted the poster of a conference scheduled for the following day on Facebook, at the Crosà Neira multipurpose center in Savigliano, in which she would have participated as a speaker, where you can see more photos obtained under the microscope.Let's see what it is.The event, entitled The right to choose, was entirely documented and broadcast by Byoblu - we don't know if it had the exclusive right or not -, it doesn't matter.Here we are interested in understanding the context of the images shown by De Mari on Twitter, whose caption we report:When examined under a darkfield microscope, the blood has round and spaced red blood cells.In inoculated people they can be deformed and massed, obstruct small vessels, poorly transport oxygen.Thanks to Byoblu we can now easily go back to the part in which the images are transmitted, giving them the right context.A fundamental starting point to continue with our analysis.The images that interest us are related to the intervention of Luciana Beccaria of the association Il filo di Arianna, as we can see from the minute 11:34.Her speech is titled Adverse Events: Denied Voices.The speaker cites among her sources a “study” entitled Micro-tech in Comirnaty vaccine.It is actually a pdf presentation by New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (“NZDSOS”).An association of New Zealand No vax doctors, which notoriously pushes forward its demands not in front of its peers through real scientific studies, but through letters or petitions.Among the sources of the document we find Dr. Pablo Campra, in fact there are also several images taken from his previous works - aimed at finding graphene in Covid vaccines -, which turned out to be groundless.In addition, the speaker reports the results of some alleged blood tests of the vaccinated, which would have been carried out in a biotechnology laboratory.The images obtained with the microscope in the dark field, and disseminated by De Mari, we can begin to see them from the minute 12:43.We thus have the full caption of the second image, the one that would show what happens to the blood of the vaccinated:Girl, 17 years old, 2 doses, asymptomatic.Is this what we want to see in the blood of our children?Other images follow which would show what would have been found by comparing blood samples between vaccinated and unvaccinated;the clots shown would concern the former.The rapporteur also talks about traces of graphene.At the moment, we do not have a study that has been reviewed and published in a scientific journal.We do not know much about the method used, but since the speaker herself speaks of people brought to the laboratory, of whom they knew from the start whether they were vaccinated or not, we can legitimately fear that there has not been a blind person, that is the fundamental practice that prevents the experimenter to know in advance from whom the analyzed samples come.This is why it would be best to read a peer-reviewed study before discussing it in a conference.The images themselves tell us nothing new.They are compatible with those already shown by Campra and his associates, which turned out to be insignificant.But since these are new "revelations" we still wanted to consult an expert.First of all, one wonders how the samples were stored.We had already seen in a previous article, that blood tends to clot when it comes into contact with a surface.It is something that we can all experience when we make a cut, as Dr. Filippo Testa, anesthetist, former doctor of Emergency and co-author of the Facebook page Pop Medicine explains to Open.«Those images can depend on many confounding factors - continues Dr. Testa -, for example from when and how the peripheral blood smear was performed.The quality of the withdrawal is also decisive.If the smear is not performed within certain times, the blood still begins to clot.From those photos we don't even know if there were alterations in the coagulation factors inherent in the people analyzed, and that's just one of the many limitations ».Therefore this kind of images alone prove nothing.Not to mention that it is also unknown to us how they would have established a correlation between vaccination and this kind of results, nor to see the results of the control with the unvaccinated.But the problem here is another.It is precisely the tool used that is perplexing.The darkfield microscope is also used in the Live blood cell analysis and there are many reasons that have inspired the skepticism of experts, as Dr. Stephen Barrett explains in unsuspected times, in an article on Quackwatch.Dr Hayley Anderson explains in MicroscopeMaster, that these kinds of tests are often backed up by doctors who have made 'dubious health claims and manipulate test results to show the need and subsequent proof that nutritional and enzyme supplements are working.Informal studies […] show that test results often cannot be replicated ”.The laboratory mentioned by the speaker uses the same type of microscopy used by the New Zealand authors of the previous “study”, as illustrated by the Lead Stories colleagues.While the vaccines were approved after three trial phases, with well-defined control groups and double-blinds;in the conference in question promoted by De Mari we only see slides, without clearly explaining the protocol used, if there was a blind person, or references to peer review studies.This article contributes to a Facebook project to combat fake news and disinformation on its social platforms.Read here for more information on our partnership with is working with the CoronaVirusFacts / DatosCoronaVirus Alliance, a coalition of more than 100 fact-checkers who are fighting misinformation related to the COVID-19 pandemic.Learn more about the alliance here (in English).GOL Impresa Sociale Srl Founded by Enrico Mentana